Rick Rubin: Protocols to Access Creative Energy and Process


Rick Rubin shares practical insights into the creative process, emphasizing honesty, overcoming self-doubt, and the importance of nurturing inner life to foster true creative expression.

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Key quotes

  1. "I try to curate the people around me to be people I want to have around me."
  2. "Every time you meditate is like making a deposit in a bank."
  3. "It's not about anyone else; it's about the reader and that was always part of the... my understanding of what I thought would be the most helpful."
  4. "The home is the safe place from which you can go out and be a warrior and do all these great things and these crazy things."
  5. "By the time that we're working together, any resistance they had in the past has already been overcome."

Make it stick

  1. Think of creativity like a "diary entry" – personal, honest, and immune to external judgment.
  2. View meditation as a "bank deposit" – every session contributes to long-term mental health and creativity.
  3. Consider relationships as foundational platforms that enable us to take risks and be our true creative selves.

Talking points

  • "I found it so fascinating that Rubin can maintain such a calm inner world amidst the chaos of creativity and the music industry."
  • "Did you know that Rick Rubin doesn't require artists to follow a specific creative process but instead encourages freedom and spontaneity in their work?"